Mid-Term Evaluation of McGovern-Dole School Feeding in Nepal 2015–2016 - Final Evaluation Report

The decentralized evaluation has been commissioned by the WFP Nepal Country Office and covers the school feeding programme (SFP) implemented by the World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal with the support of the McGovern-Dole(MGD) Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It was intended for both accountability and learning and focuses on assessing: i) the relevance, effectiveness (potential impact), efficiency, sustainability and coherence. It also assesses the performance of the programme and associated interventions. The evaluation is concerned with operations supported by the current MGD grant (US$26.96m), covering fiscal years 2014-2016 (effectively calendar years 2015-2017 inclusive). It is focused on ten districts in the Mid- and Far-Western Development Regions (MFWR), selected on the basis of poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition and poor educational outcomes. The evaluation, which makes a number of recommendations for the future, was managed by the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific and conducted by Mokoro, with fieldwork taking place in December 2016.