The Liberia national commitments on school meals programme: How Partners plan to support government commitments
The Liberia national commitments on school meals programme: How Partners plan to support government commitments
The Liberian government strongly believes that the school feeding programme is a policy tool for driving and strengthening human capital, social economic progress, and transforming food systems in the country. As a result, the government supports global initiatives to frame school meals as a critical, crosscutting action that will help to create a more sustainable and equitable future. To achieve the goals set forth in its national commitments, the country will rely on support from various partners who will work hand in hand with the government around the different commitment pillars (policy framework, financing framework, institutional framework and coordination, program design and coverage, evidence generation and monitoring, advocacy). The goal of this paper is to highlight the services that WFP and its partners—International Financial Institutions, donors, United Nations agencies, nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, —can provide to help the government meet its priorities.