Learning Framework for the Transition of Humanitarian Cash Transfers to the Social Protection System in Ukraine

The Learning Framework for the Transition of Humanitarian Cash Transfers to the Social Protection System in Ukraine aims to generate learnings from the harmonised implementation of PeReHID Initiative’s recommendations. Hereby the learning framework aims to answer four key questions: 

  1. Can humanitarian cash transfers effectively and timely fill coverage gaps  (e.g. populations that are excluded from social assistance programmes due to access barriers or inexistence of relevant social assistance programmes ) as well as lead time gaps ? 
  2. Were humanitarian cash transfers’ recipients successfully enrolled in new/relevant social assistance programmes during the assistance period? Ideally, this should include state and local social assistance programmes and should extend to social services as well.
  3. Were humanitarian cash transfers and transitional top-ups able to cover most basic/sector needs and were their recipients able to cope with the shock?
  4. What are the operational challenges for the implementation of top-ups (vertical or horizontal expansion of social assistance programmes) and how were they addressed?

This framework is intended for humanitarian organizations that provide humanitarian cash transfers and referral services to Government social protection programmes as well as humanitarian organisations that provide top-ups to social protection programmes in Ukraine.