Humanitarian Situation Report No. 31: State of Palestine
Humanitarian Situation Report No. 31: State of Palestine
An Inter-Agency Flash Appeal was issued on 17 April, covering the period until December 2024. This appeal estimated that US$2.8 billion is required to address the critical needs of 3.1 million people, including 2.3 million in the Gaza Strip and 800,000 in the West Bank . UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal , revised and aligned with the Inter-Agency Flash Appeal, is seeking $526.1 million to cover the urgent and critical needs of children and their families across the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Against this updated appeal, UNICEF is facing a funding gap of US$252.2 million (48 per cent). UNICEF is also preparing the 2025 HAC, with an initial version set to be published towards the end of 2024. UNICEF’s post-distribution monitoring of cash programme shows that even at current (high) price levels, various essential goods remain accessible. However, only adequate and regular supply from the commercial sector will improve availability and reduce prices of other goods – for instance, hygiene items and essential food categories – which have become unavailable or extremely expensive. The same analysis highlights that the digital ecosystem is growing, as an increasing number of people use digital money transfers. However, there is still significant room for greater adoption by market players. Concerted efforts from all stakeholders are required to accelerate the strengthening of the digital ecosystem