How can the government contribute to a satisfying and meaningful life? A study of the Philippine middle- and lower-income classes
How can the government contribute to a satisfying and meaningful life? A study of the Philippine middle- and lower-income classes
This study conducted focus group discussions to distill the factors that very poor, poor, and middle-class households consider important for a meaningful and satisfying life. The study found that the respondents are generally satisfied with life, and sufficiency of household resources is the top criterion for a meaningful and satisfying life. Job stability is the second most mentioned criterion. Being healthy and having their own businesses have also been cited by many. Programs that provide support through income and expenditure shocks are found most helpful by the respondents. However, the process of availing of these programs is costly, time-consuming, and unfair, particularly if they are not well connected with the local government officials. There is a greater belief among the respondents that the improvement of their lives lies on their own efforts, attitudes, and smarts, with government playing a more supportive and facilitative role. This belies the notion of total government dependency and lack of industry among the poor and the very poor.