Findings on the worst forms of child labor - Mongolia
Findings on the worst forms of child labor - Mongolia
In 2014, Mongolia made a moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Government established a Child Hotline to receive reports of child abuse and refer cases to the police, including reports related to exploitative child labor. In addition, law enforcement agencies improved efforts to monitor horse races for compliance with age and safety requirements for child horse jockeys. The Government’s Crime Prevention and Awareness Fund provided approximately $30,000 for Anti-Trafficking activities in 2014, including training for law enforcement officers and prosecutors on investigation and victim identification techniques. However, children in Mongolia are engaged in child labor, including in animal husbandry and herding and in the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual exploitation sometimes as a result of human trafficking. Gaps persist in the legal framework and operating procedures for prosecuting criminal offenders, specifically regarding commercial sexual exploitation. The Government also lacks social programs to address child labor in certain relevant sectors.