Extending social protection for all in Nepal: An analysis of protection gaps (Executive summary)
Extending social protection for all in Nepal: An analysis of protection gaps (Executive summary)
The key objective of the report is to assess existing protection gaps based on the analysis of social protection programmes in implementation in Nepal. Key aspects covered include: analysis of coverage (effective and legal); the adequacy of benefit levels; and, public investment and expenditure. The analysis also discusses how Nepal’s progress compares with other countries in the region and globally. The report provides a set of recommendations to close the coverage and adequacy gaps in the system and to move towards achieving Government targets for the sector and the sustainable development goals. This report is part of a series of studies on the potential pathways to extend social security for all in Nepal within a sustainable fiscal framework under the European Commission-Directorate-General for International Partnerships financed project on Enhancing Social Protection System: Towards Investments for Results in Nepal.