DFAT Pacific Series: Achieving Education and Health Outcomes in Pacific Islands Countries - Is There A Role for Social Transfers?
DFAT Pacific Series: Achieving Education and Health Outcomes in Pacific Islands Countries - Is There A Role for Social Transfers?
Pacific Island countries (PICs) have varying social protection systems, informal and traditional. These systems are important in supporting the most vulnerable members of society and those affected by personal and natural disasters. In the Pacific Islands social protection has typically been an area of low government involvement. Knowledge about formal social protection in the region is limited, and there have been no studies on the impact of such schemes on poverty, human development and economic growth.
This research paper, ‘Achieving education and health outcomes in the Pacific—is there a role for social transfers?’, examines the challenges facing PICs as they strive to improve the health and education of their people. It examines the policies that need to be introduced to improve access to these services by all. More specifically, the research paper discusses what social transfers can contribute, particularly for poor people.