Cash transfers and COVID-19: Experiences from Kiryandongo, Uganda (Mini-report- Round 3 of 3)
Cash transfers and COVID-19: Experiences from Kiryandongo, Uganda (Mini-report- Round 3 of 3)
Little is known about the effects of large cash transfers in contexts of protracted displacement. This includes the influence of cash transfers on health behaviors during shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. IDinsight plans to develop evidence in this area by building on an on-going impact evaluation of GiveDirectly’s unconditional cash transfer program in Kiryandongo refugee settlement, Uganda. The team is gathering data on the COVID-19 public health measures that refugee households are implementing, the health services they are able to access, and their understanding of COVID-19 and preventative measures. By comparing refugee households who have already received their GiveDirectly cash transfer with refugee households who will receive their cash transfer in the near future, we will develop better evidence on how unconditional cash transfers influence refugee household knowledge, behaviors, and access to health services during a pandemic.