Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2017-2020)
Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2017-2020)
WFP Bangladesh Country Strategic Plan (2017-2020) focuses on longer-term national nutrition-sensitive social protection, resilience building, and emergency response preparedness to achieve Zero Hunger, while maintaining a strong humanitarian capacity.
WFP’s work in Bangladesh in 2017–2020 will support the country in ending hunger and reducing malnutrition by 2030 through four strategic outcomes: i) vulnerable groups in rural and urban settings are supported by work to improve nutrition indicators in line with national targets by 2020; ii) the food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable populations of Cox’s Bazar, the Chittagong Hill Tracts and areas affected by disaster are enhanced; iii) innovative approaches to enhancing the resilience of food-insecure households affected by climate-related stresses are validated by 2020; and iv) the response system for large-scale natural disasters can respond with reduced costs and lead times.