Adults in low-income immigrant families were deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis yet avoided safety net programs in 2020
Adults in low-income immigrant families were deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis yet avoided safety net programs in 2020
In this brief, we provide evidence on persistent chilling effects among low-income immigrant families during the pandemic. To do so, we draw on data from the Urban Institute’s Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey (WBNS), a nationally representative internet-based survey conducted in December 2020. Here, chilling effects are avoidance of noncash benefit programs or other assistance because of concerns about future green card status or immigration status or enforcement. We define adults in immigrant families as adults who were born outside the US (foreign born) or who live with adults in one or more foreign-born family members. We focus on adults with family incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level given the relevance of safety net programming for this population.