Youth, Employment, Skills, YES
Basic Information
Geographic area
Programme type
Population group
Working age group, Youth
Programme Details
Programme objectives
To expand access of poor and young Liberians to temporary employment programs and to improve youth employability.
World Bank. 2016. Liberia - Youth, Employment, Skills Project (English). Accessible: 2016 Accessed 16 October 2023
Programme components
Component 1: community works aim to creating temporary employment through community-based public works activities.
Component 2: employment through skills training
Component 3: skills development programmes
World Bank. 2016. Implementation completion and results report (ida-h5940, tf-97110, tf17816) on a grant in the amount of US$10.0 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund and a grant in the amount of SDR 4.0 million (US$6.0 million equivalent) from the IDA crisis response window and an additional grant in the amount of US$3.4 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund to the republic of Liberia for a Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills project Accessible: Accessed 28 October 2023
Start date
World Bank. 2016. Liberia - Youth, Employment, Skills Project (English). Accessible: 2016 Accessed 16 October 2023
Previous programme name (if any)
Cash-for-Work Temporary Employment Program (CfWTEP)
Community livelihoods: 56,250 beneficiaries (2016).
Employment through skills training: 2,331 beneficiaries (2016)
Coverage as a percentage of the working age population: 2.6 percent (2014).
Coverage as a percentage of the poor (national poverty line): 2.1 percent (2014).
(i) World Bank. 2016. Liberia - Youth, Employment, Skills Project (English). Accessible: 2016 Accessed 16 October 2023 (ii) Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Programme expenditure
US$19.40 million (total cost)
World Bank. 2016. Implementation completion and results report (ida-h5940, tf-97110, tf17816) on a grant in the amount of US$10.0 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund and a grant in the amount of SDR 4.0 million (US$6.0 million equivalent) from the IDA crisis response window and an additional grant in the amount of US$3.4 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund to the republic of Liberia for a Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills project Accessible: Accessed 28 October 2023
Targeting and eligiblity
Targeting methods
Proxy Means Test
Categorical Targeting
Geographical Targeting
Community-Based Targeting
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Targeted areas
Districts are selected on the basis of the share of extreme poor in single districts
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Target groups
Poor and young Liberian (18-35 years old)
World Bank. 2016. Implementation completion and results report (ida-h5940, tf-97110, tf17816) on a grant in the amount of US$10.0 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund and a grant in the amount of SDR 4.0 million (US$6.0 million equivalent) from the IDA crisis response window and an additional grant in the amount of US$3.4 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund to the republic of Liberia for a Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills project Accessible: Accessed 28 October 2023
Eligibility criteria
One of the layers of targeting requires (a) being at least 18 years old, (b) be able to perform work, (c) live in the targeted community, (d) not have formal public or private employment, (e) not having participated to the program before, and (f) not having other household members
participating in the program. A following layer of targeting includes five poverty and vulnerability proxies, (a) belonging to a large household, (b) having dependents, (c) being between 18 and 34 years of age (yet heading the household composed of younger siblings), (d) being illiterate, and (e) not owing land.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Coverage and other information
Type of benefits
Cash and training.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Amount of benefits
The daily wage rate of the program is set at US$3 per day for a 5-hour workday.
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Payment/delivery frequency
Distributions are made in two instalments (two times after 20 working days each).
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Benefit delivery mechanism
Cash transfers are manually disbursed by Ecobank with mobile banking services at work-sites or nearby locations
Inter Agency Social Protection Assessment (SPA) Initiative. 2014. Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills (YES) Project and Liberia Youth Employment Program (LYEP) Country Pilot Report. Accessible: Accessed on 28 October 2023.
Minimum and maximum duration of benefits (if any)
Community livelihoods: beneficiaries may participate in the programme
for a maximum of 40 days; for each week of this period, one day is dedicated
to life skills training, totalling 32 days of work and 8 days of training.
World Bank. 2010. Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant in the Amount of USD10
Million from the Africa Catalytic Growth Fund and SDR 4.0 Million (USD6.0 Million Equivalent) from
the Ida Crisis Response Window to the Republic of Liberia for a Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills
Project. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. <
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and frequency
The M&E responsibilities and activities rested with the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE), the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, the Public Financial Management Unit (PFMU) in the Ministry of Finance (later renamed the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning [MFDP]), and the Ministry of Youth and SportsS for Component 2. The project indicators were designed to allow monitoring and disaggregation of data. Local partners (CFs) contracted by LACE conducted regular monitoring of implementation activities of subprojects at the community level while LACE and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs conducted quarterly field visits to subprojects.
World Bank. 2016. Implementation completion and results report (ida-h5940, tf-97110, tf17816) on a grant in the amount of US$10.0 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund and a grant in the amount of SDR 4.0 million (US$6.0 million equivalent) from the IDA crisis response window and an additional grant in the amount of US$3.4 million from the Africa catalytic growth fund to the republic of Liberia for a Liberia Youth, Employment, Skills project Accessible: Accessed 28 October 2023