Last updated: 14/3/2024

Programme Details

Programme objectives

Social program of financial inclusion aimed at the initiatives of women who develop or wish to undertake socio-productive activities individually or collectively, to overcome poverty and contribute to the economic development of the country. The program aims to finance and strengthen the independence of the Venezuelan woman and protect the family economy.

Programme components
Delivery of credits: Provision of loans to finance working capital, such as the purchase and/or acquisition of merchandise, material, inputs and inventory or raw material; acquisition of fixed assets such as equipment, goods, working tools, among others; and for the acquisition, purchase and processing of animal protein.

Targeting and eligiblity

Target groups
Adult women, venezuelan or foreign residents, who develop or wish to undertake socio-productive activities individually or collectively. Entrepreneurial women, especially in vulnerable situations.
Eligibility criteria
Census of women who are productive or in vulnerable conditions. The entrepreneurship must be in its initial or start-up phase (up to 3 years of operation) and it must have the physical space necessary to carry out the socio-productive activity.

Coverage and other information

Contribution type and amount
One-off transfer (100% of the approved credit amount is paid). The amount will depend on the qualitative-quantitative analysis of the applicant, its viability and the productive analysis of the activity.
Amount of benefits