Last updated: 09/2/2024

Basic Information

Geographic area
Population group

Programme Details

Programme objectives

Tanzania´s National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty II (2010) defines school feeding as a strategy under Goal 1 Ensuring equitable access to quality Early Childhood Development programmes, primary and secondary education for all boys and girl

Start date
Roothaert, R., Mpogole, H., Hunter, D., Ochieng, J. and Kejo, D. 2021. Policies, Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Home-Grown School Feeding Programs for Improving Quality, Equity and Sustainability of School Meals in Northern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Accessed 10 February 2023. <>
Conditionalities (if any)
School enrollment and attendance
1,166 schools in 15 districts with a total of 601,572 students (2013)
Roothaert, R., Mpogole, H., Hunter, D., Ochieng, J. and Kejo, D. 2021. Policies, Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Home-Grown School Feeding Programs for Improving Quality, Equity and Sustainability of School Meals in Northern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Accessed 10 February 2023. <>
Programme expenditure
Annual cost of about USD6.5 million (2011)
Smith, W.J. 2011. “Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program.” Social Protection & Labour Discussion Paper, No. 1414 - Africa Social Safety Net and Social Protection Assessment Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. < _20141017090222/Rendered/PDF/915750NWP014140Box385333B00PUBLIC0.pdf>.

Targeting and eligiblity

Targeting methods
Categorical Targeting
Geographical Targeting
(i) Roothaert, R., Mpogole, H., Hunter, D., Ochieng, J. and Kejo, D. 2021. Policies, Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Home-Grown School Feeding Programs for Improving Quality, Equity and Sustainability of School Meals in Northern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Accessed 10 February 2023. <> (ii) Smith, W.J. 2011. “Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program.” Social Protection & Labour Discussion Paper, No. 1414 - Africa Social Safety Net and Social Protection Assessment Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. < _20141017090222/Rendered/PDF/915750NWP014140Box385333B00PUBLIC0.pdf>.
Target groups
School-aged children

Coverage and other information

Type of benefits
Roothaert, R., Mpogole, H., Hunter, D., Ochieng, J. and Kejo, D. 2021. Policies, Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Home-Grown School Feeding Programs for Improving Quality, Equity and Sustainability of School Meals in Northern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Accessed 10 February 2023. <>
Amount of benefits
The annual benefit to the household, for each beneficiary child, is estimated to be about TZS21,700. The transfer has a caloric value of 718 kilocalories (about 40 per cent of the minimum daily food requirement).
Smith, W.J. 2011. “Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program.” Social Protection & Labour Discussion Paper, No. 1414 - Africa Social Safety Net and Social Protection Assessment Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. < _20141017090222/Rendered/PDF/915750NWP014140Box385333B00PUBLIC0.pdf>.
Payment/delivery frequency
Smith, W.J. 2011. “Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program.” Social Protection & Labour Discussion Paper, No. 1414 - Africa Social Safety Net and Social Protection Assessment Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. < _20141017090222/Rendered/PDF/915750NWP014140Box385333B00PUBLIC0.pdf>.
Benefit delivery mechanism
Meals are provided at schools.
Roothaert, R., Mpogole, H., Hunter, D., Ochieng, J. and Kejo, D. 2021. Policies, Multi-Stakeholder Approaches and Home-Grown School Feeding Programs for Improving Quality, Equity and Sustainability of School Meals in Northern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Accessed 10 February 2023. <>
Benefit recipients
Minimum and maximum duration of benefits (if any)
194 school days per year
Smith, W.J. 2011. “Tanzania - Poverty, Growth, and Public Transfers Options for a National Productive Safety Net Program.” Social Protection & Labour Discussion Paper, No. 1414 - Africa Social Safety Net and Social Protection Assessment Series. Washington, DC: World Bank. Accessed 11 November 2015. < _20141017090222/Rendered/PDF/915750NWP014140Box385333B00PUBLIC0.pdf>.
Legal Framework
In March 2021, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology approved the country´s first National School Feeding Guideline (NSFG). The NSFG provides uniform guidance for schools, communities, and the local government to develop, coordinate and oversee school feeding programs.
Global Communities. 2021. Strengthening School Feeding Systems in Tanzania. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
The use of data management system is one of the key components of the National School Feeding Guideline (2021)
Global Communities. 2021. Strengthening School Feeding Systems in Tanzania. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>