Program of Support to Communities in Solidarity
Basic Information
Geographic area
Institutions and agencies involved
Programme type
Population group
Programme Details
Programme objectives
This conditional cash transfer programme (CCT) had the goal to enhance human capital (cash transfers), access to basic services (expansion of local infrastructure) and income generation and productive development (microcredit programs and training with an emphasis on food security).
Programme components
i) Bono de educación (Education Bonus);
ii) Bono de salud (Health Bonus);
iii) Programa “Nuestros Mayores Derechos“ (“Our Elderly Rights“ programme);
iv) Expansion of services and / or infrastructure: Axis II "Red de servicios básicos";
v) Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingreso (Temporary Income Support Program) (PATI).
Previous programme name (if any)
Rural Communities in Solidarity or Network of Solidarity
Conditionalities (if any)
i) Bono de educación (Education Bonus): School enrollment and attendance for all school levels;
ii) Bono de salud (Health Bonus): vaccination compliance; Attendance to weight and height controls; Attendance at prenatal controls;
v) Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingreso (Temporary Income Support Program) (PATI): Attendance of 6 hours daily on work programmes.
Programme expenditure
Targeting and eligiblity
Targeting methods
Proxy Means Test
Categorical Targeting
Geographical Targeting
Target groups
Extremely poor families with children under 21 years old and / or pregnant women living in municipalities with "severe" extreme poverty or in urban slums.
Eligibility criteria
i) Bono de educación: Children between 5 and 15 years old (rural areas) & Children between 6 and 15 years old (urban areas);
ii) Bono de salud: Children 0 to 4 years old & Pregnant / breastfeeding women;
iii) Programa “Nuestros Mayores Derechos“: Adults over the age of 60 living in poverty (the “Universal Basic Pensión for Elderly“ is granted to adults over the age of 70 living in poverty);
iv) Expansion of services and / or infrastructure: Axis II "Red de servicios básicos": Priority municipalities (rural areas) and urban slums;
v) Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingresos (PATI): Young people between 16 and 24 years without a formal employment.
Eligibility reassessment (if any)
Exit strategies or criteria: Registry of Participating Families.
Coverage and other information
Type of benefits
Cash, Expansion of services and / or infrastructure, Microcredit and training.
Amount of benefits
i) Bono de educación (Education Bonus): USD 15 per month. If the household receives both the education and the health bonus, the transfer is USD 20 per month; Maximum per household: One transfer per household; Limits to the amount considering both bonuses (for rural areas);
ii) Bono de salud (Health Bonus): USD 15 per month. If the household receives both the education and the health bonus, the transfer is USD 20 per month; Maximum per household: One transfer per household; Limits to the amount considering both bonuses (for rural areas);
iii) Programa “Nuestros Mayores Derechos“ (“Our Elderly Rights“ programme): USD 50 monthly.
Payment/delivery frequency
1) Bono de educación (Education Bonus): Bimonthly;
2) Bono de salud (Health Bonus): Bimonthly;
3) Programa “Nuestros Mayores Derechos“ (“Our Elderly Rights“ programme): Monthly;
4) Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingreso (Temporary Income Support Program) (PATI): Monthly (limited time of 6 months).
Benefit delivery mechanism
Cash delivery at public events.
Benefit recipients
i) Bono de educación (Education Bonus): Mother, direct beneficiary.
ii) Bono de salud (Health Bonus): Mothers;
iii) Programa “Nuestros Mayores Derechos“ (“Our Elderly Rights“ programme): Direct beneficiary.
iv) Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingreso (Temporary Income Support Program) (PATI): Direct beneficiary.
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and frequency
Registry of recipients: Registry of Participating Families.
Legal Framework
Executive Decree 11 (2005); Executive Decree N° 56 (2009); Executive Decree N° 72 (2010).
Instrument of selection: Integrated Index of Municipal Marginality of the Poverty Map, for rural municipalities; Map of urban poverty and social exclusion for urban settlements; and the Quality of Life Index of the Unique Registry of Participants (RUP).