Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) Programme II (also known as Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) III)
Basic Information
Geographic area
Institutions and agencies involved
Tanzania - Tanzania Social Action Fund, TASAF
The Transfer Project. n.d. Tanzania Conditional Cash Transfer (TASAF III/ PSSN): Youth Well-being and the Transition to Adulthood. The Transfer Project. Accessed 09 February 2023.
Programme type
Population group
Children, Elderly persons, Persons with disabilities, Poor households, Women, Mother, Pregnant, Lactating women, Working age group
Programme Details
Programme objectives
PSSN II: improve access to income-earning opportunities and socio-economic services for targeted households while enhancing and protecting the human capital of their children.
.(i) Tanzania Social Action Fund. n.d. PSSN II. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
(ii) The Transfer Project. n.d. Tanzania. Tanzania Conditional Cash Transfer (TASAF III/ PSSN): Youth Well-being and the Transition to Adulthood. The Transfer Project. Accessed 09 February 2023.
Programme components
1. Unconditional Cash Transfer
2. Conditional Cash Transfer
3. Public Works Program
4. Livelihoods support component (awareness-raising, savings promotion and linkages to ward-level extension services; and an enhanced livelihood support package for selected households – encompassing training, coaching and a livelihoods grant).
(i) Tanzania Adolescent Cash Plus Evaluation Team. 2020. A Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood: Round 3 Report. Florence; UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
(ii) The Transfer Project. n.d. Tanzania. Tanzania Conditional Cash Transfer (TASAF III/ PSSN): Youth Well-being and the Transition to Adulthood. The Transfer Project. Accessed 09 February 2023.
(iii) The World Bank. 2018. Project Information Document (PID). Concept Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 18-Oct-2018 | Report No: PIDISDSC25716. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
Start date
Tanzania Social Action Fund. n.d. PSSN II. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
Previous programme name (if any)
Productive Social Safety Net Programme I (2013-2019), Tanzania Social Action Fund II (2005-2013), Tanzania Social Action Fund I (2000-2005)
Conditionalities (if any)
PSSN II: Transfers will be largely conditional on education or health and nutrition-related behaviors, while labor constrained households including the elderly, people with disabilities, child headed households will receive unconditional transfers.
Pregnant women and/or children under 5 years of age must comply with prenatal and post-natal exams and/or regular child health check-ups.
Children in primary, lower or upper secondary school age must be enrolled at school and have attendance rate of at least 80%
(i) The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
(ii) De Hoop, J., Gichane, M.W., Groppo, V. and Simmons Zuilkowski, S. 2020. Cash Transfers, Public Works and Child Activities: Mixed Methods Evidence from the United Republic of Tanzania, Innocenti Working Paper 2020-03, UNICEF Office of
Research – Innocenti, Florence. Accessed September 05 2023. Accessible:
1.1 million households (as of 2016), equivalent to 10.5 per cent of the Tanzanian population in 70% of the country´s villages. A scale-up to expand the programme to 30 per cent of remaining villages was envisaged to start in 2019.
(i) Tanzania Adolescent Cash Plus Evaluation Team. 2020. A Cash Plus Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood: Round 3 Report. Florence; UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
(ii) The Transfer Project. n.d. Tanzania. Tanzania Conditional Cash Transfer (TASAF III/ PSSN): Youth Well-being and the Transition to Adulthood. The Transfer Project. Accessed 09 February 2023.
Programme expenditure
Total PSSN II financing: USD 633.80 million (included international development assistance resources)
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Targeting and eligiblity
Targeting methods
Proxy Means Test
Geographical Targeting
Community-Based Targeting
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Targeted areas
PSSN II is implemented in 187 PAAs covering all Villages, Mitaa and Shehia in the country (n.d.) (PAA is a generic term for local government authorities/Zanzibar Administrative Authority or District, Town, Municipal and City Councils used by TASAF).
Tanzania Social Action Fund. n.d. PSSN II. Accessed 09 February 2023. <>
Target groups
PSSN II: Poorest and most vulnerable households
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit in the Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. <>
Eligibility criteria
PSSN II: The targeting mechanism of the program comprises three elements (i) a geographical targeting mechanism to identify and select project authority areas, wards and villages; (ii) community targeting to identify extremely poor and food insecure households in selected villages; and (iii) a proxy means test to verify and minimize inclusion errors. Households that meet the poverty criterion (i.e., score below the designated threshold) are enrolled in the programme.
For public works: PSSN-eligible households with labor capacity and willing to participate.
Households with labor capacity will be defined as those including at least one adult aged 18-65 years who is able to work. Households with multiple working age members will have the opportunity to send to public works any adult who is
neither pregnant nor the lead caregiver of an infant (aged 0-2 years). Moreover, eligible households that have only one adult able to work who is pregnant or caring for an infant will continue to receive PW wages but will be granted a temporary waiver from the need to work.
(i) The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
(ii) De Hoop, J., Gichane, M.W., Groppo, V. and Simmons Zuilkowski, S. 2020. Cash Transfers, Public Works and Child Activities: Mixed Methods Evidence from the United Republic of Tanzania, Innocenti Working Paper 2020-03, UNICEF Office of
Research – Innocenti, Florence. Accessed September 05 2023. Accessible:
Eligibility reassessment (if any)
Re-certification of existing beneficiary households will be carried out gradually over five years during PSSN II to ensure that they still meet program criteria, and those that are found to be no longer eligible will be exited.
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Coverage and other information
Type of benefits
Amount of benefits
Cash transfer - a beneficiary household would receive a minimum of TZS 12,000 (US$5.3) and a maximum of TZS 55,000 (US$24.1) per month depending on the
Structure (number of children and school grade, and whether there are disabled household members) and compliance.
Public works - at the start of PSSN II, the daily transfer rate will be 3,000 TZS (US$1.3) and it will be reviewed annually and adjusted using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the United Republic of Tanzania.
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit in the Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Payment/delivery frequency
Bi-monthly (cash transfers); fortnightly (public works)
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Benefit delivery mechanism
Under PSSN II there will be a gradual shift from the system of cash payments to electronic payments, based on a phased roll-out plan. The roll out plan will take account of the varying infrastructure and capacities in different project area authorities
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Benefit recipients
Generally paid to a woman who is a mother or a caregiver.
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Minimum and maximum duration of benefits (if any)
PSSN II: public works - Eligible households will have an entitlement of 60 working days per year that can be spread over a period of six months
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and frequency
PSSN II will reinforce and fine tune the M&E systems developed under PSSN I, ensuring that a well-defined M&E plan is developed. This plan will set out processes, information requirements, tools and methodologies for data collection, analysis and reporting, and will clearly define roles and responsibilities, including in respect of the uptake of lessons and recommendations from annual and semi-annual reviews. The vision under PSSN II is to transform data collection, processing and information management into an integrated system across all levels of operations (national, regional, and project area authorities). In particular, the quality of reports generated at PAA level and the direct use of these reports at that level to improve program delivery will be enhanced. Moreover, a new impact evaluation will be conducted consisting of a baseline at the start of PSSN II and two follow up surveys, which will assess the impacts of selected elements of the program.
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at:
PSSN I has established appropriate institutional structures for program management at national, PAA, ward and community levels: the computerized management information system (MIS) is functional; a Unified Registry of Beneficiaries (URB) capturing a full profile of over one million beneficiary households is in place; whilst beneficiaries still largely receive their transfers in cash, mechanisms for making electronic payments have been piloted in 16 PAAs; there is a grievance redress mechanism (GRM) in place; and the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system has demonstrated its capacity to generate timely information on inputs, outputs and results. Under PSSN II, the MIS will be upgraded to respond to new business needs of the modified program and further work will be carried out to ensure reliable connectivity for all project area authorities.
The World Bank. 2019. International Development Association
Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit In The Amount of SDR 323.7 Million (US$450.0 Million Equivalent) to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Productive Social Safety Net Project II. Accessed 09 February 2022. Accessible at: