Last updated: 14/3/2024

Basic Information

Geographic area
Institutions and agencies involved
Population group
Working age group

Programme Details

Programme objectives

The Gran Misión Saber y Trabajo was a tool created to favour the creation of employment. It gathers the experience of the Misión Vuelvancaras, merged with the Misión Che Guevara, as part of the reorganization plan of the National Missions System. The goal set by the Government was to generate three million new jobs until 2018. In addition, the programme seeked to generate the social, legal and political conditions of a new territorial and productive model that allowed the organization of workers, the participation of new social actors and a new political culture.

Programme components
i) Registration of needs and job offer system; ii) Creation of a new legal and institutional framework; iii) Creation of a training system for production; iv) Definition of a socially oriented productive model.

Targeting and eligiblity

Coverage and other information