Last updated: 06/3/2024

Basic Information

Geographic area
Population group
Children, Elderly persons, Persons with disabilities

Programme Details

Programme objectives

To support vulnerable people who are survivors of genocide with education, health care, housing, social assistance and income generation activities.

Programme components
(i) Projected number of houses constructed, reconstructed or rehabilitated (2023/24): 651 (ii) Projected number for education support scheme (2023/24): 3,942 (iii) Projected number of extreme poor households with no labour benefiting from regular direct income support (2023/24): 29,003 (iv) From 1998 to 2020 medical visits amounted a total of 2,618,366 (note that a beneficiary can take multiple medical visits). 499 survivors who were sent abroad for medical attention.
(i) Ministry of Local Government. 2018. NST-1 Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan (SP-SSP) 2018/19 – 2023/24. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible (ii) Bishumba, N. 2021. FARG has spent Rwf333 billion so far, has it lived up to expectations? The New Times. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible
Programme expenditure
FRW 18.2 billion (2020/21)
UNICEF Rwanda. 2020. Social Protection Budget Brief. Investing in inclusiveness 2020/21. Accessed 05 march 2021. Accessible

Targeting and eligiblity

Targeting methods
Categorical Targeting
Community-Based Targeting
The list of needy genocide survivors undertaken at community level is validated by the Sector Executive Secretary and the district
Kamurase, A.; Wylde, E.; Hitimama, S. and Kitunzi, A. 2012. Rwanda. Social Safety Net Assessment. World Bank. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible
Target groups
Vulnerable genocide survivors, especially orphans, elderly people and adults with disabilities.
Kamurase, A.; Wylde, E.; Hitimama, S. and Kitunzi, A. 2012. Rwanda. Social Safety Net Assessment. World Bank. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible
Eligibility criteria
(i) Orphans under the age of 21 that have been adopted by other families who have no property that provide them with incomes as a source of the upkeep. (ii) Double orphans who survived the genocide and currently attend school with nowhere to stay during the school holidays (iii) Double orphans who survived the genocide staying in a poor family that is unable to meet the basic necessities of life. (iv) An old-aged survivor of the genocide who is unable to work and cannot take care of him - or herself. (v) A survivor of the genocide with a physical disability or chronic disease that prevents him/her from working and who is without any source of income
Kamurase, A.; Wylde, E.; Hitimama, S. and Kitunzi, A. 2012. Rwanda. Social Safety Net Assessment. World Bank. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible

Coverage and other information

Amount of benefits
Beneficiaries can receive from 7,500 RWF to RWF100,000, depending on their needs. In 2017, in general, genocide survivors benefits received monthly basis of Frw7, 500 to be able to buy basic daily materials. Another category is where each beneficiary benefits on monthly basis Frw 30,000, focusing on Incike elderly Genocide survivors with serious problem of life. The third category are genocide survivors who are hosted in common house (Inzu y’amasaziro) where FARG provides everything needed, such as food, hygienic materials, and staff assistance.
(i) United Nations Rwanda. 2021. Country Annual Results Report. 2019-2020. Accessed 13 February 2023. (ii) Ministry of Local Government. 2020. National Social Protection Policy Strategy. Accessed 13 February 2020.
Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and frequency
FARG is responsible for ensuring that effective M&E frameworks and mechanisms are in place and that the findings of routine monitoring and impact assessments inform practical improvements in targeting and other aspects of programme design. They will also oversee programme financial management.
Legal Framework
The public sector restructuring of 2015 resulted in the introduction of Management Information Systems (MIS) for FARG. There are efforts to strengthen management information systems throughout the sector; expanding the scope of the integrated Social Protection Management Information System (iSP-MIS).
Ministry of Local Government. 2018. NST-1 Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan (SP-SSP) 2018/19 – 2023/24. Accessed 05 March 2024. Accessible