Last updated: 02/2/2024

Basic Information

Geographic area
Population group
Children, Elderly persons, Persons with disabilities

Programme Details

Programme objectives

Reduce poverty, improve the poor´s nutritional status, and increase agricultural production among the beneficiaries

World Bank. 2016. República de Angola: Pobreza e Análise de Impacto Social - Reforma de Subsídio e Extensão do Programa de Protecção Social. Accessed 1 January 2023. <>
Programme components
The main component is the provision of basic consumer items for the poorest households in the country, in the form of electronic cards to be redeemed in specific stores selected by the government. The original design of the program also included a professional skills component, but it is currently (2016) not implemented.
(i) World Bank. 2019. Angola - Strengthening the National Social Protection System Project (Cash Transfer). Accessed 1 January 2023. <> (ii) World Bank. 2016. República de Angola: Pobreza e Análise de Impacto Social - Reforma de Subsídio e Extensão do Programa de Protecção Social. Accessed 1 January 2023. <>
Start date
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016. <>.
The programme had 101 246 beneficiaries nationwide (2016).
ILO; UNAIDS, WFP. 2018. HIV Sensitive Social Protection In East And Southern Africa Fast Track Countries. Acessed 19 January 2023 <>
Programme expenditure
KZ 906.000.000 (2016)
World Bank. 2016. República de Angola: Pobreza e Análise de Impacto Social - Reforma de Subsídio e Extensão do Programa de Protecção Social. Accessed 1 January 2023. <>

Targeting and eligiblity

Targeting methods
Geographical Targeting
Community-Based Targeting
Targeted areas
Priority is given to areas where the poverty and food insecurity levels are higher, or areas which are considered more prone to climate-related disasters.
Target groups
Children; elderly people; people with disabilities; poor and food-insecure households. Designed to extremely poor and vulnerable households, mainly the ones headed by women in rural areas. Widows with orphans and/or relatives with disabilities, chronic diseases and/or war veterans are prioritized.
(i) World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016. (ii) World Bank. 2016. República de Angola: Pobreza e Análise de Impacto Social - Reforma de Subsídio e Extensão do Programa de Protecção Social. Accessed 1 January 2023. <>
Eligibility criteria
Households must have at least one of the following: a female head of household; a high dependency ratio; a member who has a disability or is a war veteran, elderly or chronically ill and a malnourished child and/or at least one orphan. The criteria are interpreted and applied in collaboration with local chief, who determine families´ vulnerability.
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016.

Coverage and other information

Type of benefits
Benefits include food stamps and vouchers that allows beneficiaries to receive a set of products in programme stores, which are run by the government (Lojas Kikuia), such as: food, agricultural inputs, construction material, clothing, hygiene and cleaning materials, and school materials.
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016.
Amount of benefits
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016. <>
Payment/delivery frequency
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016. <>
Benefit delivery mechanism
World Bank. 2016. República de Angola: Pobreza e Análise de Impacto Social - Reforma de Subsídio e Extensão do Programa de Protecção Social. Accessed 1 January 2023. <>
Benefit recipients
The card is preferably delivered to women who are the heads of households.
World Bank. 2015. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Program Document for a Proposed Loan in the Amount of USD450 Million and a Policy-Based Guarantee in the Amount of USD200 Million to the Republic of Angola for the First Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing. Washington DC: World Bank. Accessed 9 February 2016.
Legal Framework
(i) Lei de Bases da Proteção Social. Lei nº 7/04 de 15 de outubro (ii) Decreto Presidencial Nº140/18 de 6 de Junho
Platform for the Combating Poverty Management Information System (SIGAPCP)
Government of Angola. 2022. Programa de Combate à Pobreza. Plataforma Informática Vai Facilitar Prestação de Contas. Accessed 18 April 2023. <>