When spending too little costs so much: The urgent need to invest in universal social protection for children
When spending too little costs so much: The urgent need to invest in universal social protection for children
Child benefits are literally a life saver and game changer for children. They can make the difference between a healthy, happy and long life or one punctuated by ill health, stress and unrealised potential, especially in times of crisis. They are indispensable for child wellbeing and economically dynamic societies.
Yet most children miss out on them. Today, three-quarters of the world’s children – 1.77 billion aged 0–18 years – lack access to child benefits. This is simply unacceptable.
For millions of families around the world, raising children without income support or social and care services – including child benefits, birth grants, paid maternity or parental leave, or childcare support – can have adverse... Read More