Social protection in humanitarian contexts: How can programming respond to adolescent - and gender-specific vulnerabilities and promote young people’s resilience?
Social protection in humanitarian contexts: How can programming respond to adolescent - and gender-specific vulnerabilities and promote young people’s resilience?
The important role of social protection programming (especially cash/in-kind transfers and cash or food for work) in responding to humanitarian crises has been gaining increasing recognition. Its role in addressing gender- and lifecycle-specific risks and vulnerabilities has similarly gained traction. However, there has been very little discussion on how responsive such programming is to adolescents’ multi-dimensional vulnerabilities in humanitarian contexts – despite the fact that young people under 20 years are disproportionately affected by humanitarian crises. To initiate a conversation on this important nexus, this think piece briefly reviews existing social protection programming in humanitarian contexts, using a gender and adolescence lens. It considers how... Read More