Webinar presentation - Pathways to building universal social protection floors: The gradual introduction of universal social security is feasible – and already happening!
Webinar presentation - Pathways to building universal social protection floors: The gradual introduction of universal social security is feasible – and already happening!
Slide presentation of the webinar held on 08 February 2024.
While universal social protection is broadly embraced as a goal or at least “a vision”, most social security programmes in low- and middle-income countries are poverty-targeted rather than universal, especially if they are supported by international development partners. The standard argument that that “universal social security is simply not affordable in poor countries” typically overrides all arguments for universality. In this webinar was argued that
- It is financially feasible to introduce universal old age pensions, as well as child and disability benefits, in low- and middle-income countries, using the examples of Ghana, India, Uganda, and Vietnam
- Gradual introduction of these benefits will reduce income poverty in a dramatic way.
- Worldwide, 52 low- and middle-income countries have already introduced 88 programs that guarantee universal access to such lifecycle benefits. Overwhelmingly, these programs are led and financed entirely by national governments.