IPA and MSEA to Co-Host Policy Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya
IPA and MSEA to Co-Host Policy Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya
On October 29, IPA in collaboration with the Micro and Small Enterprises Authority (MSEA), a state corporation under the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Cooperatives will hold a one-day policy dialogue on MSME development in Kenya. The event aims to bring together policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to discuss the key priorities, opportunities, and challenges facing the SME sector in the country. Recognizing that the SME sector may be a catalyst to advancing economic and social development, the Kenyan government has rolled out the Big Four Agenda, under which SME will play an important role as part of the manufacturing agenda. However, rigorous evidence on what works to promote SME development is very limited, highlighting an urgent need to identify effective solutions that can steer investments to areas where they will have the most impact. The event will focus on: access to finance, management, and access to markets for SMEs.