Primary theme: Innovations in Financing for Nutrition-Based National School Meal Programmes
The Global Child Nutrition Foundation and the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger are proud to announce that the 17th Annual Global Child Nutrition Forum will be held on Sal Island in the Republic of Cabo Verde from September 28 to October 2, 2015. More information on the exact location of the Forum, flights, hotel, registration and other logistics will be available shortly.
Who’s invited? Representatives of government offices, companies, international organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, and others interested in school feeding and child nutrition programmes. We particularly encourage participation of government representatives from the sectors which gain the most benefit from investing in nutritious, locally-sourced school meal programmes: Education, Agriculture, Finance, Health, Industry and Trade, and Budget and Planning.
Why attend? This is the largest school feeding Forum in the world and is an opportunity to share your experience, successes, and challenges in school feeding and to learn what others are doing, as well as to interact with experts from around the world, see school feeding in action in Cabo Verde, exhibit your programmes and products in the Country School Food Fair and Market Place, and more!