Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) Data Portal
Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) Data Portal
The PEI Data Portal is a dynamic data portal that provides an overview of the key design and implementation aspects of economic inclusion programs globally. The database captures economic inclusion programs defined as a “multidimensional set of bundled interventions that support households and communities to increase their incomes and assets.” It consists of: a landscape dashboard that provides a snapshot of active economic inclusion programs, including program coverage (the number of people or households reached), objectives, target groups, and institutional arrangements; a costing dashboard, which provides a summary of costing data from a subset of economic inclusion programs that completed PEI’s Quick Costing Survey 2020, undertaken between 2019 and 2020; an economic Inclusion database, that refers to a list of all of the economic inclusion programs captured with the PEI Landscape Survey 2020.