Last updated: 12/11/2021 Czechia Region: Europe & Central AsiaCapital: Prague Social Protection and Economic Data Income Category: High income Data from World Bank (2021) Population growth (%): 0.25% Data from World Bank (2020) Human Development Index (HDI): 0.90 Data from Human Development Report (2019) Age dependency ratio (%): 56.00% Data from World Bank (2021) Population: 10 698 896 Data from World Bank (2020) Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 245.35 bi Data from World Bank (2020) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita: 22 932.20 Data from World Bank (2020) Resources on Legal and Policy Frameworks Legal instrument 2 Policy document 1 Programmes Social assistance 0 Social insurance 0 Labour market 0 Other Content publications 31 databases 32 webinars 0 blog posts 3 multimedia 0 news 10 Social Protection Programmes No results found. Legal and Policy Frameworks Czech Republic Social Inclusion Strategy (2014–2020) 2014 Europe, Czechia Czechia: Úplné znění zákona č. 155/1995 Sb., o důchodovém pojistění, jak vyplývá z pozdějsích změn (Act No. 43/2010, Consolidated Version of the Act No. 155/1995 on Pension Insurance) 2010 Europe, Czechia Czech Republic: Úplné znění zákona č. 155/1995 Sb., o důchodovém pojistění, jak vyplývá z pozdějsích změn (Act No. 43/2010, Consolidated Version of the Act No. 155/1995 on Pension Insurance) 2010 Europe, Czechia