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The Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is a southern-led movement that challenges the structures and institutions that perpetuate poverty and inequality.
GCAP is one of the world's largest civil society networks, with National Coalitions and Constituency Groups in more than eighty countries.
National Coalitions and Constituency Groups, which are the base for action, collaborate on regional and global campaigns.Our constituents include women, youth and socially excluded movements, NGO platforms, community and faith groups, international NGOs and others who call for action from world leaders to meet their promises to end poverty and inequality.  
Conceived in Maputo in 2003, GCAP was launched at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
As governments negotiate the frameworks for a Post-2015 development agenda and Sustainable Development Goals, GCAP constituents have organised consultations, mobilised under the banners of Leave No One Behind and the Global Moves for Justice and lobbied governments, the United Nations and international institutions.  
GCAP works for social justice, against a backdrop of obscene inequality, both within and between countries.  We envision a world where economies create prosperity for all and not a select few, where governments, people and the private sector respect and treasure the planet so that it will be habitable not just for us but for generations to come.