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The Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) is a network of researchers, policy makers and practitioners across 16 developing countries focused on tackling chronic poverty and getting to zero extreme poverty and deprivation (Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Viet Nam). Our mission is to ensure that chronically poor people are not overlooked by policy-makers. We do this by providing evidence to improve the effectiveness of policies and programmes at reducing chronic and extreme poverty.

CPAN emerged from the Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC), which worked to assess and explain the extent and nature of chronic poverty in developing countries. CPRC was an international partnership of universities, research institutes and NGOs, which ran for 10 years and published the first two international Chronic Poverty Reports.

We are looking to expand our network, in particular to the 30 countries with the largest numbers of poor people - if you or your organisation is interested in joining our network, please contact us.  

CPAN is currently hosted by the Overseas Development Institute in London. ODI is an independent think tank with 50 years’ experience of influencing policy and practice in the field of international development. Both ODI and CPAN combine the academic discipline of a research institute, with the innovative, forward-looking approach of a think tank, and the professional advisory capacity of a consultancy.