On Monday 27 January between 13.00 – 15.00 UK time, DFID will host an early market engagement for provision of a Social Protection Technical Advisory Facility for the Better Assistance in Crisis (BASIC) and the Gender-Responsive Social Protection (GSP) programmes. The purpose of this event is to engage potential suppliers and receive feedback on the draft Terms of Reference. The event will take place online only, interested parties should register here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/JGBJ897.
Extreme poverty and fragility are closely interlinked: 59% of extremely poor people live in countries affected by fragility, environmental vulnerability or both, and where humanitarian needs are greatest. Poverty and gender are also inextricably linked, women and girls face multiple barriers and vulnerabilities throughout their lives because of their gender. However, social protection systems and approaches are underutilised in crises due to limited evidence, knowledge and capacity, and poverty reduction efforts, including social protection, often fail to take into account gender inequalities.
To respond to these challenges DFID is delivering two global programmes through a range of partners: Better Assistance in Crisis (BASIC) and Gender-Responsive Social Protection (GSP). DFID will shortly begin a competitive procurement process to identify a supplier to provide a Social Protection Advisory Facility delivering the technical assistance services for both of these programmes. The early market engagement will explain more about this procurement and answer any questions potential suppliers might have.