Go back to the OC Social protection responses to COVID-19 [Task force]
1.1 Multimedia resources
In this page you can find some multimedia resources shared with the audience during the e-Conference or in preparation to it.
We thought you would like to know more about the beginning of our journey until the e-Conference. With the COVID-19 pandemic, social protection became a central issue of debates, proving to be crucial to lessen the impacts of the crisis. Against this background, the "Social Protection responses to COVID-19" Task Force was created. The initiative, designed to share social protection responses to the pandemic, produced a newsletter, a webinars series, and an online community to discuss and systematize all the information gathered since March 2020. We gathered these outcomes on this video about the task force for you to see and share with your network.
As the Global e-Conference was also organized to celebrate the sp.org's 5th anniversary and willing to share a bit of this history with you, we prepared this milestones video in which we share some important achievements of socialprotection.org throughout this path of knowledge sharing and capacity building.
During these five years, one of our most well-known features was our webinars. The platform hosted and promoted more than 160 sessions, organised with partner institutions, covering trending social protection topics around the world. Our latest webinar series was about SPresponses to COVID-19 and had 32 sessions attracting a record audience. The webinar series finished with a flourish during the e-Conference and inspired us on creating this webinar video and on elaborating this compendium to tell you more about this widespread resource of the platform.