When schools all over the world closed to contain the spread of COVID-19 in 2020, much of the concern was understandably for children’s education. Indeed, the pandemic has been a major setback for learning in many countries,...

Think about the last time you had to apply for a public benefit or service like unemployment insurance, childcare or mental health care. In most OECD countries, these processes require knowledge of how to access a benefit, time,...

The World Bank, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) have announced an integrated new open-source software package to improve the management of...

Mobile money has had a major impact in expanding access to and increasing utilization of financial services amongst women in Africa. The uptake of mobile money has brought benefits such as greater shock-resilience, poverty...

Workers in the informal economy do not usually benefit from social protection because they - or their employers - do not contribute to any scheme or fund. It is no surprise, then, that extending social protection has become central...

The discourse on restoring the prestige of the Egyptian state was one of the key political discourses advanced by the June 2013 regime, and it was not devoid of repercussions, in particular on the state’s general budget. It quickly...

Socios En Salud a través del Programa de Protección Social brinda acompañamiento y asistencia social, a fin de hacer frente a los determinantes sociales que rodean el cuidado, la atención y la curación del paciente, que ponen en...

Crises are gendered. Because women and girls start off at a disadvantage in every society, they often have fewer resources to be able to withstand the impacts of crises and shocks. The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a “big revealer” in...

Literature on poverty consistently support the argument that marginalization and social exclusion are amongst the core drivers of poverty and can greatly exacerbate the problem. In such circumstances, social protection policies can...

Everyone, regardless of their gender, has different experiences from disasters. Gender dynamics impact both how people are affected by disasters as well as their capacity to withstand and recover from them. For example, in...

The World Day of Social Justice takes place in challenging circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed 85 million people into extreme poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Conflict, surging energy prices and inflation have led to a...

When it comes to contributive pension , we can say that it’s one of the rare domains of social welfare where, legally, foreigners are equal to citizens. But there’s a catch: when a foreigner applies for their pension, they have to...